Good Friday

I think I have a few more visitors than usual. So this is a hello from me to you! :-h


On my way to work, saw a 6-car accident at the curve when you exit to Cyberjaya. Yes, it’s 6 cars. All kissing one another.


Sometimes, I like my sister because we can talk like this..

Ham Hammy!


How are you oh?

Ok ler but not so good also. As hoping that I can talk to you. I have been in a weird mood lately.

Why are you in a weird mood?

I think it’s a combination of being away from home, miss the comfort of home and also because worried about exams.

And then you know lah, my close friends are not here. Over here I’ve got no friends who I can fully open up to or feel really comfortable with. So I feel very lonely lor.

You must focus on your exam and tell yourself we are going to bring you comfort in July.

Yalor, that’s what I’m trying to do. Hehehehe.

If you are lonely, you look at Foo Foo and think of me. Foo Foo can fly at night one. So she will fly and whisper to Ducky. Then Ducky will tell me lor.


Happy Good Friday! If I were to be in Sandakan today, it would have been a public holiday for me. Anyone knows why Good Friday is a public holiday in Sabah and Sarawak but not in West Malaysia?


  • fishtail says:

    “Anyone knows why Good Friday is a public holiday in Sabah and Sarawak but not in West Malaysia?” Because in W Malaysia, the government has already given too many holidays (we are the country with the most holidays in the world, in fact). Also because in Sarawak and Sabah, the State government does not have to follow the Federal Government in terms of granting religious holidays.

  • Number_6 says:

    Good Friday is not a federal public holiday, but is a state public holiday in Sabah and Sarawak where Christians constitute a significant minority; both states were granted some level of greater autonomy than other states in the Federation, as they were considered polities on par with Malaya when they merged with it and Singapore to form Malaysia.

    However, there is no evidence that this theological objection plays any role in the noninclusion of Good Friday as a holiday. On the contrary, Good Friday is probably not a public holiday because, as a whole in the federation, Christians constitutes a slight minority – 9.1% according to the 2000 Census. The other two significant religious minorities in Malaysia, Buddhists and Hindus, also receive just one federal public holiday each — Wesak Day and Deepavali respectively. Deepavali however, is not federal holiday in the states of Sabah and Sarawak.

    source :


  • Grace says:

    fishtail: And we still feel that we don’t have enough holidays. hehe

    number_6: Ada buat research lagi tu. I don’t know about Sarawak but I think Deepavali is a public holiday in Sabah. But I’ll check!

    It’s not a public holiday there, reason being you don’t get to see that many Indians in the East. Sometimes I wonder why.

    And I’ve just realised that the 4th emoticon (blushing face) :”> is not working and I don’t know why.

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