5:50am – Alarm clock (mobile phone) rang.

6:00am – I’m supposed to wake up.

6:40am – The exact time I woke up.

When you wake up 40 minutes later than scheduled, the following happens.

Went to the kitchen to chop garlic, rinse the dried prawns, sliced and cubed the fishcake, beat the egg. Fried rice. No taste.

Heat up Mummy’s sambal to accompany fried rice.

Took out two slices of Gardenia bread and a Cheddar cheese. My breakfast to be eaten at my desk in the office.

Looked at clock.

7:00am – I am so dead.

Brushed teeth. Washed face. Wear contact lens. One went missing because it slipped as I was rushing. Couldn’t find it so had to grab a new one. Wasting money.

Apply moisturiser. No time for toner.

Dab face powder onto face. Pink lipstick is a must.

Carried office bag, gym bag and food bag, walked like a super woman to the bus stop to wait for colleague to pick me up.

Reached the bus stop but remembered that I forgot my phone which is still left charging at home.

Crossed the road and stood at the divider, waiting to cross another road. Colleague came and honked.

I made a phone signal and placed it near to my ears and said, “I forgot my phone. Wait.” I hope she is good with lip reading.

Reached for my mobile phone and saw a message. “Not going to the gym. Not feeling well.”

I threw my gym bag away and walked back out as fast as I could.

Entered the car and said, “I’m sorry, I forgot my phone.”

No one said anything.

I don’t want to wake up late anymore.


  • pelf says:

    Hahhahaha, sounds sooo like me! 🙂 That is why I always set my alarem clock to go off 20 minutes before I decided to get off the bed 🙂

  • Grace says:

    Now there’s someone to join in the company! Sometimes it’s just so hard to get up in the morning, no?

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