
Dumped 5 bags of unwanted clothings of mine and my sister’s over the years into the donation box for charity somewhere near my house. Feels good because it feels like a piece of junk in the house has been removed.

Went jalan-jalan with my sister again. Had dim sum for breakfast, something which I can only enjoy when I have company. I cannot eat dim sum alone. Just doesn’t feel right.

We ended our outing of the day after dropping by at the pasar malam to get food, fruits and vegetables. When we came home, Iris was asking me not to go to work tomorrow. She wanted us to spend more time together. Coming to think of it, maybe I could have better scheduled my job hunting period to a later date so that I can start my job in October after Iris goes back. Oh well, sometimes opportunities don’t allow you to choose your time. No use crying over this but I know Iris will be bored tomorrow while I’m at work. That’s why my monday and tuesday nights is going to be tiring because I’ll have activities with Iris after work at night so just make full use of the time that we have. Mummy will be coming on Wednesday then I won’t feel so bad as they will have each other’s company then.


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